Community > FAQ
Handong UNITWIN Fellowship
You can submit up to three applications per semester. However, given the high competition, we recommend that participants focus on creating and submitting a well-designed course rather than multiple applications. This approach increases the chances of your course being selected.
Yes, if you applied for a course with lecture notes only in the past, you can apply for the same course with video.
However, please note that entirely new courses with both lecture notes and videos, which are not available on our website, are preferred.
Citation, on the other hand, refers to the specific source that has been referenced in a particular part of the paper.
How to cite and reference an online image
Cite a Google image (MLA, APA, Chicago) | Citation Machine
In principle, we do not accept a practical course.
If you have a detailed plan for how to cover the practical activities online, please describe it in detail.
We will discuss whether we can accept them.
For your information, we attached the link ( which introduces "Free Editing Software".
Yes. We request all applicants to submit proof of employment every semester and we only admit the document issued right before/during the application period.
We understand it is inconvenient to issue every time, but we should check whether an applicant will be giving a lecture at the university for the upcoming semester.
This is an international program that is scrutinized by the Korean Ministry of Education, and we should check the current employment and position of applicants every application period.
After the application due date, we contact the university where you are working to verify the information in your application.
The applications which are not verified by the university will be rejected.
If you apply for a new course, we consider it a proper application even if there is a similar course from another professor on our website.
Even if a course title is the same, we consider it different as long as you create your own lecture materials.
However, the competition rate is high and we prefer a totally new course which is not on our website.
You may upload your lecture materials on other platforms.
However, please be noted that you should not submit the same materials to other institution for any other subsidies.
There are various ways to make citations. You could use APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.
Whichever you use, you should at least include the “Title, Author/Editor, Publisher, Year of Publication, Page”.
For your reference, we attached the link below that may help you with citation.
Citation Machine:
Citation Guides :
Citation generator: