
Social Sciences > Urban Studies

Land and Housing Management
Mukova, Gloria Angela
Kumi University
Spring 2024



Land has been, and still is one of the most valued assets, and with that, one of the leading causes of wrangles and disputes in communities. On this one resource, a good percentage of life's basic requirements is dependent and even existent. With the growing populations comes higher demand for spaces and increased competition for land, and housing for the increasing numbers. 

The course covers the land and housing concepts, looking in details at land ownership and acquisition in Uganda and how this ownership and acquisition influences housing development. The focus on land, especially for housing gives insight into different approaches that can be used to increase housing availability and therefore address the current deficit, as well as improve tenure security.

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Courses List

No. Course Format File Date
1 week 1 - Understanding main concepts . 2024-06-20
2 Week 2 - Land tenure systems. 2024-06-20
3 Week 3 - Land Management and Development. 2024-06-20
4 Week 4 - Land Management and Development. 2024-06-20
5 Week 5 - Housing Development and Construction 2024-06-20
6 Week 6 - Housing Development and Construction (Continued). 2024-06-20
7 Week 7 - Housing Typologies. 2024-06-20
8 Week 8 - Housing Affordability, Accessibility and Adequacy. 2024-06-20
9 Week 9 - Barriers to Housing Affordability, Accessibility and Adequacy. 2024-06-20
10 Week 10 - Low cost Housing. 2024-06-20
11 Week 11 - Land and Urban Management. 2024-06-20
12 Week 12 - Land and Urban Management (continued) 2024-06-20
13 Week 13 - Basic Infrastructure provision at Community level. 2024-06-20
14 Week 14 - Basic Infrastructure provision at Community level (continued). 2024-06-20
15 Week 15 - Challenges of Land management and the Housing sector. 2024-06-20
