
Natural Science > Mathematics

Computer statistics
Dykhovychnyi, Oleksandr
National Technical University of Ukraine
Spring 2024



The course is built on the demonstration of the possibilities of solving basic statistical problems by means of the R programming system. The course "Computer statistics " is designed for master degree students of NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" who study statistics, the basics of financial and insurance mathematics.  The students further career is associated with insurance, financial or investment analytics, work in market structures, as well as research activities in both the economic and technical domain, as well as making optimal decisions. 

The course offers the study of the following sections:

- the basics of the R language;

- descriptive statistics;

- interval estimation;

- statistical hypotheses and criteria;

- correlation analysis;

- analysis of variance; 

- classical regression analysis;

- logistic regression;

- time series.

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Courses List

No. Course Format File Date
1 week1-Descriptive statistics of one-dimensional numerical data. 2024-06-20
2 week2- Primary graphical data analysis. 2024-06-20
3 week3 -Interval estimation. 2024-06-20
4 week4-Statistical hypotheses and criteria. 2024-06-20
5 week5-One-factor variance analysis. 2024-06-20
6 week6-Two-factor variance analysis. 2024-06-20
7 week7-Correlation analysis. 2024-06-20
8 week8-Regression analysis. 2024-06-20
9 week9-Multiple regression. 2024-06-20
10 week10-Logistic Regression. ROC - analysis (3) 2024-06-20
11 week11-Time series. Models.Forecast. 2024-06-20
12 week12-ARIMA models. 2024-06-20
