
Engineering > Computer Science

Compiler Construction
Gichuki, Martha
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology
Fall 2024



The course begins with a coverage of basic Principles in Compiler Design with an introduction to Formal programming language translation and compiler design concepts; compilers and interpreters.

A coverage of Language theory, Parsing Context-Free Languages (Top - down and bottom - up parsing), translation specifications and machine- independent code optimization will then follow. 

The main phases of compilation i.e Lexical, Syntax and Semantic analysis will be taught. Code generation and Optimization, Symbol table design, Program compilation, Loading and execution will then  be covered. Compilation techniques, Optimization, Design of a simple complete compiler. will culminate the course.

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Courses List

No. Course Format File Date
1 Week 1- Introduction to Compiler Construction 2024-12-04
2 Week 2- Compiler Design Phases - Lexical Analysis 2024-12-04
3 Week 3- Finite Automata 2024-12-04
4 Week 4- Compiler Design Phases - Syntax Analysis 2024-12-04
5 Week 5 - Syntax Analysis - Left Recursive Grammar 2024-12-04
6 Week 6 - Top-Down Parsing Slides. 2024-12-04
7 Week 7 - Bottom-Up Parsing Slides 2024-12-04
8 Week 8 - Compiler Design Phases - Semantic Analysis 2024-12-04
9 Week 9 - Intermediate Code Generation 2024-12-04
10 Week 10 - Target Code Generation 2024-12-04
11 Week 11 - Code Optimization 2024-12-04
12 Week 12 - Symbol Table Management 2024-12-04
13 Week 13 - Error Handling & Recovery 2024-12-04
