
Engineering > Computer Science

Object Oriented Programing 1
Elubu Joseph
Kumi University
Spring 2022


Courses List

No. Course Format File Date
1 Lecture 1 -Course Overview, Introduction to Object Oriented program 2022-06-22
2 Lecture 2 -Introduction to Java Programing Language and Features of Java 2022-06-22
3 Lecture 3 -Setting Java Environment, Introduction to JVM and installation java IDE 2022-06-22
4 Lecture 4 -Writing First Java Program, Data type and Identifier & Variable in Java 2022-06-22
5 Lecture 5 -Operators in Java, Input and Output streams in Static and Initializer Block,Type Casting 2022-06-22
6 Lecture 6 -Decision Making in Java(Conditional Statement, Switch Statement) 2022-06-22
7 Lecture 7 -Decision making in java (Loops in Java), Break & Continue Statement in Java 2022-06-23
8 Lecture 8 -Array in Java and Ways to create object in Java 2022-06-23
9 Lecture 9 -Attributes Java Class Methods 2022-06-23
10 Lecture 10 -Java Constructors, Java Modifiers & Java Encapsulation 2022-06-23
11 Lecture 11 -Java Packages / API, Java Inheritance & Java Polymorphism 2022-06-23
12 Lecture 12 -Java Inner Classes, Java Abstraction & Java Interface 2022-06-23
13 Lecture 13 -Java Enums, Java User Input & Java Date 2022-06-23
14 Lecture 14 -Java ArrayList, Java HashMap & Java Wrapper Classes 2022-06-23
